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Charlie & Taylor
We are excited to expand our family through open adoption. Our home is always alive with laughter, curious conversations, and celebrations of life's happy moments. We can't wait to share our lifelong curiosity, passion for exploration, and comedic fun with a new addition to our family. Thank you for getting to know us better as you navigate this journey and we can't wait to get to know you.
Education We Will Provide

Education is very important to us and we both grew up in households where education was highly valued. We too believe that a good education can unlock many opportunities and we intend to be very engaged in our child's formal education.
However, we also both value a diversity of education that goes beyond a classroom. We value learning about the world by experiencing the world. Each week, we go out to new places we've never been, we go to museums, we travel around the world, and we socialize with people.
By providing a rounded experience, we hope to provide our child with a full set of tools they need for success in their own life as they navigate its challenges.
Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Taylor About Charlie: Being with Charlie has that feeling of being home. Charlie loves people for exactly who they are and makes them feel comfortable. When you are trying out something new, he is encouraging and he wants to be there with you all along the way. Charlie also has many of his own interests, not because he wants the world to think he's interesting, but because he is genuinely excited about them. On top of that, he is very committed to the things he loves. He loves to run and recently ran a marathon and is already planning more races.
Charlie About Taylor: I, Charlie, love Taylor's almost child-like sense of wonder and curiosity. He loves to learn new things and never backs down from a puzzle. He appreciates the joy that friends and family bring to his life, and I love his genuine care about the wellbeing of others. To top it off, Taylor loves to laugh. It's something we both share. Having fun with friends, and even being silly keeps us happy being together.
Cultural Diversity

We chose to live in our current neighborhood specifically because it is very diverse so that both we and our child have the opportunity to interact with people with different life experiences, viewpoints, cultures, and traditions. Even if we were not choosing to become adoptive parents, this is important to us. It is also important to us that our child has the opportunities to learn more about the cultures of their birth parents. There are many nearby cultural centers, events, and activities where our child can learn more about their own cultural heritage and form connections with children of similar backgrounds. We also continue to educate ourselves about how we can support a child of a different race or cultural heritage and will continue to do so as we parent.

Our House and Neighborhood

Our home is in a quiet, family-oriented area full of redwoods and charming houses nestled in the hills of the bay area of California. Our neighborhood is home to a wide diversity of families with young children who play together and are excited to welcome a new friend. Right across the street our friends have young toddlers. The street next to ours hosts an annual block party and the nearby schools have community events with activities for children that brings everyone together. Right up the hill, our favorite regional park is complete with miles of forested hiking trails, a lake for swimming, and even fun attractions for kids including a petting zoo and a mini train ride.

We live in a cozy three-bedroom house that overlooks the bay and was originally built by an architect for his family. Each afternoon, around dinnertime we watch the sunset from our upstairs living area. We enjoy the evenings together sometimes reading (Charlie loves history, Taylor loves fantasy), watching a favorite TV show, or working on some of our hobby projects. One of these days, Taylor will get his garden going, maybe with the help of a young one.
Our Extended Families

We spend lots of time with our immediate and extended families. Charlie's brothers and parents are natural comedians and always laughing. They have a bunch of energetic children that play a lot and can't wait for more cousins. Although Taylor is an only child, his parents are each one of eight children, so the family is huge. We visit his parents and grandparents frequently, and his extended family is very family-oriented so they all make an effort to gather as a big group. We spend holidays with family and in between our immediate families like to fly in to visit and we make it a point to visit them as well. Last Thanksgiving we gathered with Charlie's family in the mountains in Colorado and introduced the kids to skiing. It was great fun.

Most weekends we spend time with our friends playing board games, having fun in the back yard, or enjoying a potluck. There are a few children in the group who love to play games with us as well. Our friends come from a variety of backgrounds and we all like to share our holiday traditions with the group. A couple of times a year, we all rent one big house somewhere outside the city and have a mini vacation together. It's a ton of fun and helps keep us connected as one big chosen family.
From Us to You

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us as you consider adoption. We know this is a big decision. As you make your way on this journey, we extend to you the same love and support that we have for a child. In our home, we support each other through challenges, we love one another for exactly who we are, and we stay curious about the world, it's people, and all its mysteries. We can't wait to share it with a little one.
It is important to us that your child knows about you, your story, and their heritage. We welcome you into our extended family, and we value your thoughts and wellbeing throughout the adoption journey and beyond. We will happily send photos and updates by phone calls, texts, letters, emails, and in person visits, and we'll adjust the frequency to your comfort. Your child will know your story and how much love it takes to consider adoption. We're committed to ensuring your child embraces their adoption story and appreciates their roots, and open communication about adoption is core to our approach.
Our mutual desire to be parents was a spark in our relationship from the beginning and is a shared value that bonds us. On our very first date twelve years ago, we talked about wanting to be parents and it was right at that moment that we both knew we had met 'the one'. Over the past eight years of our marriage, our excitement to be parents has only grown. We imagine our home with children laughing, exploring, and learning. For us, being parents is an opportunity to help a child discover their own identity and become their best self. Along the way, we celebrate the joys and we navigate the complexities of life.
We live in a home that is tucked in among lush hills in California with a great mix of wide-open park space, playgrounds, and family-friendly activities. There are lots of fun activities for children. We have incredible access to outdoor adventures, cultural venues, and museums, to name just a few. Inside our home, you will find all the evidence of a scientist and a musician who love life and its curiosities but also like occasional nights in front of the TV. We live in a quiet neighborhood not too far from downtown with families from a vibrant mix of cultures and backgrounds, so our children will be able to form friendships with a wide diversity of children both right nearby and in school. There are annual block parties and we routinely gather for dinner and fun with our neighbors. We're fortunate to have a such strong community.
As parents, we want to provide a loving environment where our child feels supported to learn and grow as an individual, but also to value and appreciate strong ties to friends and family. We will provide many educational opportunities and we will travel both to visit family and to explore faraway places. We embrace the opportunity to share our passion for learning, exploring, and enjoying life, all with the companionship of friends and family. In our home, your child will know unconditional love, unwavering support as they become an individual, and will have many opportunities to learn and grow. But also, they will always know the love you have for them.
We look forward to meeting you, getting to know you, and learning about your hopes and dreams for your child. Thank you for getting to know us. We know how important this decision is for you, and we thank you for considering us in your adoption plan.
Charlie & Taylor
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