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"Giving a Baby Up" for Adoption in Ohio Isn't "Giving Up"

You Are Giving a Life of Love And Opportunity

When you place your baby up for adoption in Ohio, you are not “giving up.” In fact, you are giving them a life full of love and opportunity. This decision is heroic, brave and loving.

Adoption is a choice that puts your child’s best interests at heart. Through adoption, you can give your child the life that you envision for them. As a result, many birth parents feel proud of the selfless, brave decision they make by choosing adoption.

If you’re considering adoption, then call American Adoptions of Ohio at 1-800-ADOPTION and speak with one of our trusted, experienced professionals. You can also get free adoption information now. For hopeful adoptive families looking to adopt a child, you can get more information here.

In the meantime, learn why “giving a baby up for adoption” in Ohio is far from “giving up.”

Why the Phrase “Giving Baby Up for Adoption” Misses the Point

If you’ve been researching how adoption works in Ohio, then it’s likely that you’ve stumbled upon the phrase “give baby up for adoption.” It’s one of the most common phrases anyone uses when they discuss adoption. This stems from when closed adoption was the most prevalent type of adoption. Birth mothers would place their babies with an adoptive family, never to see or hear from them or their child again.

Even though most adoptions today are open adoptions, people still refer to birth mothers as people who “give up” their babies for adoption. This phrase has practically become synonymous with adoption, but it completely misses the point.

When people say “giving up baby for adoption,” it is implying that adoption is a negative choice. We may have our hearts in the right place, but the phrasing is still misguided and inaccurate. Birth mothers do not “give up” when they choose adoption. There are many reasons birth parents pursue adoption, and they are all valid. Our team at American Adoptions of Ohio knows that you simply want the best for your baby. You are loving, heroic and brave when you choose adoption.

Adoption gives your child a life of love, and it’s one filled with laughter, hugs, sleepovers and graduations. Even if it isn’t easy for you, you are still doing what is best for your child by “giving your child up for adoption” in Ohio.

The Benefits of Adoption for Your Child

You know what is truly best for your child. Many people may not understand that, but, as an adoption agency with more than 30 years of experience, American Adoptions of Ohio knows it’s true.

If you’re hesitant to choose adoption because you’re worried about “giving your baby up for adoption” in Ohio, then it could be helpful to know some of the benefits of adoption for your child. Here are a handful of those benefits:

  • A stable, safe home
  • A lifelong bond with you through open adoption
  • A loving family
  • The opportunity to pursue their dreams
  • The chance to receive the best education possible
  • A life full of love
  • And so much more

Adoption is not an easy choice, but it is worth the challenge. When you think about “giving a newborn up for adoption” in Ohio, you can instead think of the many benefits that adoption can bring for your child.

The Benefits of Adoption for You

Just as the world is much different than it was in the mid-1900s, so is adoption. The days when a birth mother handed their baby over to a family of strangers are gone. Back then, the birth mother would never know how their child was doing or if they were in a safe, loving home.This is where the phrase “giving newborn up for adoption” originates from. Today, you don’t “give up” your child; you are in full control of the adoption process. From start to finish, you’ll call all the shots with the guidance of your American Adoptions of Ohio adoption professional.

Here is what “giving your baby up for adoption” in Ohio entails:

Also, adoption finalization is not the end of your adoption journey. Adoption isn’t “goodbye.” It’s simply “see you later.” This is because the vast majority of adoptions today are open. This allows you to maintain complete control of your adoption process. Even after placement, you will get to share a lifelong connection with your child.

Today, you can see firsthand how your child grows up through pictures, letters, in-person visits or whatever form of communication you’re comfortable with.

When you’re “giving your child up for adoption” in Ohio, you get to choose what level of openness you want. You also choose the kind of life that you imagine for your child by picking the adoptive family who will be best for them. This can range anywhere from religious values and holiday traditions to family pets and education. In other words, you select a family for your child that fits all the hopes and dreams you have for them.

How to Find the Right Adoptive Family for Your Baby

But, how can you ensure that all this comes true for your baby? Finding the right adoptive family is the best way to make it happen.

When you work with American Adoptions of Ohio, you’ll be working with a team of trusted professionals with over 30 years of experience. Our staff is made up of adoptees, adoptive parents and birth mothers, so we truly understand what adoption is like from our firsthand insight. We believe that when you’re “giving a newborn up for adoption” in Ohio, you’re giving your child the opportunity to grow up in a loving family. We also believe that it is your right to choose adoption.

American Adoptions of Ohio can provide the best services and benefits to make your pregnancy less stressful and give your baby the best life possible. One of these is our thorough screening process, which we have continually improved over the past three decades. Every family we work with is also financially prepared and has agreed to an open adoption ahead of time.

You’ll feel support because of our experience and safe because of our thorough process. Just as important, you’ll be able to look through hundreds of adoptive family profiles because we work with more families than almost anyone else. That means you have a better chance of finding a family that you think is perfect when “giving your child up for adoption.”


American Adoptions of Ohio would love to help you at any time! If you have any questions, then call us at 1-800-ADOPTION to speak with one of our experienced adoption professionals. You can also get more free information now.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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