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Domestic vs. International Adoption in Ohio

Are you planning to welcome a child into your family through adoption?

If you are, you likely understand that there are many different types of adoption available to hopeful families. 

Two of the most common types of adoption are domestic vs. international adoption in Ohio.

In this article, you’ll learn exactly what the differences are with adoption in the us vs. international in Ohio and how you can get started.

What Are the Types of Adoption?

The two main types of adoption are domestic vs. international adoption in Ohio.

With domestic adoption, you’ll welcome a child who is a newborn or infant up to age two into your family. Your baby will be born in the United States. In some cases, they might be born right in Ohio! 

With international adoption, you’ll welcome a child who is born overseas into your family. There are long wait times associated with international adoption, so your child could be a toddler or even older when your adoption takes place.

Both styles of adoption can help you become a parent; however, most U.S. adoptions are private domestic infant adoptions.

What You Need to Know About International Adoption

If you’re weighing the differences between adoption in the us vs. international in Ohio, make sure you take the time to understand some of the primary differences.

One of the big risks with international adoption is that laws change regularly. If you are in the process of adopting a child from another country and the rules and regulations surrounding that adoption change, you may find that your adoption is canceled.

If you have been waiting years for a child, this can be devastating.

On the other hand, private domestic adoptions offer much more protection for you. With private domestic adoption through American Adoptions, for example, we offer risk-free adoption disruption insurance. This means that if anything happens to disrupt your adoption, your investment will be protected.

Domestic Adoption: Is it Right For You?

If you’re considering adoption in us vs. international in Ohio, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself.

  • How long am I prepared to wait for a child? With international adoption, you might wait two years or more. With private domestic adoption through American Adoptions, your wait time will be an average of 12 months.
  • Do I want to adopt a newborn or infant? When you adopt internationally, you might be adopting a child who is older. This has to do with the laws and regulations surrounding international adoption, as well as the lengthy wait times. If you would prefer to adopt a newborn, then private domestic adoption could be right for you.
  • Do I want to know my child’s heritage and history? When you adopt a child internationally, you will have limited access to their medical records, as well as minimal contact with their birth family. On the other hand, private domestic adoptions that are open adoptions allow you to not only know your child’s medical history but contact their birth family throughout your baby’s life.

Adoptive Family Testimonials

One of the best ways to make your decision when it comes to domestic vs. foreign adoption in Ohio is to hear directly from people who have been in your shoes. Whether you’re wondering about the home study process or how long you can plan to wait, hearing from other adoptive families can help you prepare.

Misty and Mike are one adoptive couple who chose adoption for their baby. While they understood their wait time might be an average of 12 months, they were pleasantly surprised when they got a phone call just a few months after their profile went active on the American Adoptions website.

“We had such a long road, and we were so used to getting bad news that we were gearing ourselves for that,” Mike said. “But allow yourself to have some hope because sometimes these opportunities can be just as fast and work out absolutely amazing.”

Misty and Mike hadn’t planned on having an open adoption relationship with their baby’s birth mother but were pleasantly surprised with just how well everything worked out for them.

“I think sometimes we become afraid, like, ‘it will be so hard to bond with the birth family,’ but sometimes it’s just sitting down with coffee and getting to know people,” Mike said. “It was so easy… it felt like we knew them already.”

Check out our other adoptive family testimonials here.

Getting Started

If you’re ready to make your dream of becoming a parent a reality, it’s time to reach out to American Adoptions.

Our team offers 12x the marketing that other adoption agencies offer, which means your wait will be shorter than if you work with a smaller or locally owned agency.

We know that you’ve probably been hoping to become a parent for a while now, so our goal is to help you complete the adoption process as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We’ve completed more than 13,000 adoptions, and we’d love to help you complete yours.

You can reach us now by calling 1-800-ADOPTION. Call us day or night, and we’ll help you get started with the adoption process so that you’ll be one step closer to welcoming your new baby home.

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