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Average Length of Adoption Process in Ohio

If you’ve been thinking about adopting a child, you might be curious about what you can expect when it comes to adoption – and how long you’ll be waiting to meet your child

Each family is unique, which means that each family’s adoption experience is different when it comes to the average adoption process length in Ohio.

Fortunately, when you choose American Adoptions as your adoption professional, one thing you can count on is a shorter wait time of an average of 12 months.

Many families wonder, “What is the length of the adoption process in Ohio?” More importantly, “What steps can I take to reduce my wait time?”

One of the best things you can do to minimize the average adoption process length in Ohio is to work with an adoption agency that understands what you’re going through. Here at American Adoptions, we want to be that professional for you. We know that you have a dream of becoming a mom or a dad through adoption, and we want to help make that dream a reality.

Keep reading to learn more, or reach out now by calling 1-800-ADOPTION. Our team at American Adoptions would love the chance to talk with you about your options and how you can start your parenting journey with adoption.

How Long is the Wait For Adoption?

When you choose to adopt a child through a private domestic adoption agency, you’ll go through several steps of adoption.

These steps include:

Each step of the adoption process is very important. While you’ll need to complete all of the steps, you do have some control over the amount of time they take. The sooner you complete each step of adoption, the sooner you’ll be able to welcome your new baby home. Completing your adoption steps quickly can help reduce the average adoption process length in Ohio.

Talk with your adoption specialist at American Adoption about how you can complete your adoption steps quickly to keep your adoption timeline as short as possible.

Your adoption specialist wants to help you become a parent through adoption. They understand that you’re concerned about the average length of time for the adoption process in Ohio, and they want to help minimize that wait for you.

Some steps you can take to reduce the average length of the adoption process in Ohio include being flexible with your APQ and completing your home study promptly.

How Does American Adoptions Shorten Wait Times?

When you adopt a baby with American Adoptions, you can plan to wait just an average of 12 months to meet your new baby.

We shorten wait times in several ways.

First off, we help you complete an APQ that lets us know what you’re looking for in a birth mother. If your APQ is very limiting and could impact your ability to connect with a birth mom, we’ll let you know. We’ll talk about ways flexibility in your APQ might help you experience a shorter wait time.

We also provide counseling and guidance when it comes to preparing for your home study. It’s our goal that you’ll complete your home study on the first try. When we help you prepare, this can ensure that you’re as ready as possible for this portion of the adoption process.

Additionally, our team offers 12x the amount of marketing that comparable adoption agencies offer. We know that advertising is essential when it comes to helping you match with a prospective birth mom.

Adoptive Family Testimonials

One of the best ways to feel encouraged about the length of adoption process in Ohio is to hear from adoptive families who have been in your shoes.

One adoptive couple, Lindsey and Michael, sometimes felt overwhelmed. Their adoption wasn’t nearly as scary as they anticipated, though, and they had the incredible support of their adoption specialist at their side.

“I just wish I had known it wasn’t as daunting as I thought it would be,” Lindsey said. “I’m glad everything happened the way it did because we were matched with our son, and I feel like it was meant to be.”

Getting Started

If you’re ready to get started and begin your adoption journey, there’s never been a better time to begin.

Call 1-800-ADOPTION now to speak with an adoption specialist here at American Adoptions so we can help you begin your parenting journey.

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