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Adoption Time Frame in Ohio

Are you ready to become a parent through adoption? Chances are you have some questions. 

One of the biggest questions facing hopeful adoptive families is, “What is the time it takes to adopt in Ohio?”

If you’ve already been waiting to become a parent due to infertility, you might be frustrated with the idea of waiting longer.

Fortunately, when you choose American Adoptions as your adoption professional, we’ll work with you to minimize your adoption wait. There are many steps we take to minimize your adoption time frames in Ohio.

In fact, when you choose us as your adoption professional, you can plan to meet your new baby in just an average of 12 months.

Here’s what you need to know.

What Are the Steps of Adoption?

When you’re ready to welcome a new baby home, you’ll need to complete several steps of adoption. The length of these steps can impact the time it takes to adopt in Ohio.

The adoption process may seem overwhelming, but the great news is that your adoption team at American Adoptions will do whatever it takes to ensure that your adoption moves along smoothly.

Step 1: Completing Your APQ

One of the first steps of adoption is completing your APQ.

Your APQ lets your social worker know exactly what you’re looking for when it comes to your new baby. Maybe you have specific birth mother preferences or a very detailed idea of what you expect your adoption to look like. Let your adoption specialist know during this part of the adoption journey.

It’s also important to keep in mind that although you have full control over your APQ, your adoption specialist can help make suggestions that could reduce your time it takes to adopt in Ohio. It’s also important to be as flexible as you can to further reduce your wait.

While you might have very specific ideas about what you’re looking for in a birth mom, keep in mind that the more open-minded you are with your APQ, the shorter your adoption timeline in Ohio will be.

Step 2: Completing Your Home Study

Your home study is one of the most important parts of the adoption process. During this part of your adoption, you’ll complete three separate steps.

First, you’ll complete a background check. This ensures that there is nothing in your past that could keep you from adopting. Your background check is an important task you’ll complete during the adoption wait in Ohio, so aim to complete it early on. Keep in mind that even if you have a criminal record, this may not keep you from adopting. Talk with your adoption specialist about any concerns you might have regarding your background check.

Next, you’ll complete an interview with your social worker. During your wait for adoption in Ohio, you’ll have a lot of time to think about what type of parent you’ll be. That’s great! Your interview is the perfect chance to let your social worker know what your hopes and dreams are for parenting.

Finally, you’ll complete a home inspection. During your wait for adoption in Ohio, you’re probably going to spend some time getting your home ready for your new baby. When you complete your home inspection, your social worker will check to make sure that your house is baby-ready. They’ll check to make sure that your doors and windows open and close, that you have smoke detectors in place and that you have baby-proofed your home.

Here at American Adoptions, we want to help you pass your home study the first time. Your social worker will work with you to help you prepare for the questions you’ll encounter and the tasks you’ll need to complete so that your wait for adoption in Ohio can be as short as possible.

Step 3: Matching With a Birth Mother

One of the most exciting parts of adoption is matching with your baby’s birth mother.

American Adoptions will help you match with a birth mother in several ways. One of the most important ways we work with families to help them match is by assisting them in creating a waiting family profile.

Your waiting family profile includes a lot of information about who you are and what’s important to you.

Birth mothers who choose adoption are making an incredible choice, and the more they know about you, the more likely they are to choose you for their baby.

Step 4: Placement and ICPC

When you finally get to meet your baby, you’ll be over the moon excited.

If your baby is born in another state, however, you’ll need to wait for ICPC approval.

When you’re waiting for your ICPC to be approved, you may choose to stay in a hotel and explore the local area. This can be a fantastic time to bond with your new baby without any distractions.

Step 5: Finalization

After placement occurs, your adoption will still need to be finalized. This is when the legal process of adoption occurs, and your name will be placed on your baby’s birth certificate as their legal parent. American Adoptions will help support you during this time and prepare you for the finalization process.

Getting Started

Are you ready to begin the adoption process?

If you are, it’s time to reach out to American Adoptions.

Our team wants to help you prepare for your adoption and make sure that you’re as ready as possible. We’ll also work hard to shorten your wait for adoption in Ohio.

We offer 12x the marketing that comparable adoption agencies do, and we’ll do everything in our power to help you match with the perfect birth mom for you.

What does 12x marketing mean for you? More marketing = lower wait times. Our level of outreach gives you more chances of quickly matching with a birth mother.  

We know time is an important factor in considering adoption. Call our team at 1-800-ADOPTION to get started today.

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