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How the Adoption Process Works in Ohio

If you’re getting ready to start building your family, you might wonder, “What's the adoption process like in Ohio?” 

The adoption process in Ohio consists of several important steps. Each step of the adoption process in Ohio is vital when it comes to ensuring that your adoption is completed legally and ethically.

One of the best ways to make sure that you complete each step of the adoption process in Ohio is to select an adoption agency that can help coordinate your adoption. The right adoption agency will do more than just help you match with a birth mother – they’ll streamline the adoption process in Ohio so you can complete your adoption quickly and efficiently with minimal stress.

Another benefit of working with a national adoption agency, such as American Adoptions, is that your wait time will be significantly reduced. Families working with American Adoptions, for example, can plan on a wait time of an average of 12 months.

You can call 1-800-ADOPTION to start the adoption process in Ohio now, or keep reading to learn more.


How to start the adoption process in Ohio? You’ll begin with an APQ call. During this call, you’ll talk with your adoption specialist about your dreams for your adoption. This is the time when you’ll let your adoption specialist know what your budget is, what your adoption timeline is and what your hopes are when it comes to your baby’s birth mom.

You have a lot of important choices when it comes to completing your APQ, but remember that you can adjust your APQ in the future if you need to. It’s also important to remember that the more flexible you can be with your APQ, the more likely you are to match with a birth mom in a shorter amount of time.

Home Study

How long does the adoption process take in Ohio? That depends partially on how long your home study takes to complete. Most hopeful adoptive families complete their home studies in about three months, but the sooner you can complete this part of the adoption process in Ohio, the faster your adoption will be completed.

Your adoptive family home study consists of three major parts:

  • Background check
  • Personal interviews
  • Home inspection

When you choose American Adoptions as your adoption agency, we’ll help prepare you for each part of the home study process so you can pass your home study the first time around.


When you’re starting the adoption process in Ohio, you’ll probably feel incredibly anxious and excited about the idea of matching with a birth mom. This part of the adoption process is very special and memorable for all adoptive families. Matching happens when you and a birth mom connect and decide that you’re the perfect fit for each other.


Placement happens after your baby is born and your child is placed in your arms.

Sometimes placement happens at the hospital right after your baby is born, while other times, you might meet with the birth mom at their mom or a neutral location to meet your baby for the first time.


If you adopt a child born in another state, you’ll need to wait for special permission to bring your baby home after they are born. This is called ICPC. You have many options when it comes to spending your time while you wait for ICPC. Many families choose to explore the city they’re staying in or relax in a hotel for a few days while they’re waiting for approval to return home with their baby.


Finalization is the last part of the adoption process in Ohio. During finalization, you’ll officially become your baby’s legal parents and your name will be placed on their birth certificate. Once this occurs, your baby is officially your legal child.

How to Start the Adoption Process in Ohio

When you’re ready for starting the adoption process in Ohio, it’s important to reach out to the right adoption agency.

A supportive adoption agency, such as American Adoptions, will help guide you every step of the way.

You’ll receive help with each of your adoption steps, as well as guidance and assistance post-placement.

Here at American Adoptions, we’d love the chance to help support you on your adoption journey.

Our agency provides:

When you’re ready to begin the adoption process in Ohio, reach out to American Adoptions by calling 1-800-ADOPTION or visit us online for more information.

Our team has helped create over 13,000 families, and we’d love the chance to help you create yours.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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